Feedback 2024
Summary of responses to recent members’ feedback October 2024
Thanks to all those who took the time to respond to the recent survey. Here is a summary of what you said. Rest assured that we have discussed everything and will be making some changes where needed. That aside, thanks for the encouragement and overwhelmimgly positive response. This is your farm and we always appreciate your support!
What is the BEST thing about the farm?
- Love that it’s freshly picked food grown locally by people who really know what they are doing. (I also like that I don’t go to the grocery store that often and I’m challenged each week to be creative with the food!)
- Organic seasonal veg knowing where it comes from
- Organic! Local! Great variety of veg.
- The veg has amazing flavour and I love the fact it’s all organic and the the site has been organic for so many years. I also love the fact that I feel so connected to the growing process and how the harvest has been. Also I love the fact that you grow so many different types of veg and varieties, more than I could manage at home. I also find coming to pick my veg up for for my wellbeing, the place has such a good vibe.
- No food miles, fresh and organic vegetables
- It’s long term sustainability in terms of growing and the community in an area local to me.
- The variety of veg throughout the year.
- the variety of produce
- Being able to collect seasonal veg which is organically grown.
- Availability, freshness of veg. Seasonal. Set up simple, functional and works.
- Seasonal veg, locally grown.
- It’s so eco friendly and all homegrown
- The veg
- Variety of veg grown locally - low food miles.
- Fresh, local, seasonal produce
- variety of seasonable veg
- The people and the ‘child friendly’ environment
- The wonderful vegetables 🥦
- Range of produce.
- Fresh locally grown produce
- The variety of vegetables in the shares throughout the year.
- local veg not from the supermarket
What is the WORST thing about the farm?
- Untidy and a bit shabby
- Having to go to Ryton but it’s become part of my routine and really not that bad.
- Pickup
- Winter veg can be a bit limited and needs to be supplemented but that’s to be expected as it’s seasonal veg.
- Managing gluts
- The only thing for me is the need to use plastic bags for some of the veg. Having said that I can’t think of any alternative. I do try to return them when I can.
- Not able to pause for holidays etc. Vegetable variety gets a bit the same week after week
- Can’t think of anything :-) Maybe getting the word out and bringing people on board - affordability for low income families maybe prevents the farm extending it’s reach and it’s of necessity remote from centres of population. More community farms like this may be the way forward - not a criticism of the farm but the destructive food system we’re in.
- Muddy root veg.
- There are lots of cabbages varieties, and whilst they are ok every so often (or for sauerkraut) I often struggle to keep up with the volume.
- Getting veg that needs to be used almost immediately. E.g. squash portions. I’d much rather get a whole squash less often
- Sometimes just finding the time to pick up.
- The pest damage
- I don’t think there is anything bad about the farm.
- Not knowing ahead of collection what will be in the share each week. Would it be possible to notify the day before what is in the share to enable planning ahead?
- The approach to the collection room: the ‘path’ gets quite muddy in wet weather and brings mud inside, as well as looking unappealing to potential new members.
- when you get too much of a veg you don’t like very much!
How could the farm promote itself better or make itself more attractive to prospective members?
- A path to the shed. Better layout in the collection point. Tidy up.
- Maybe emphasise the difference between store bought produce versus your produce. No nasty chemicals/sprays, organic etc. It’s local with no ‘food miles’. Like I said previously, I don’t go to the grocery store that often and when I do, I don’t buy much as it doesn’t look or taste the same to your produce.
- I have referred people and been told their emails were not responded to
- It already does a lot but maybe some posters up in town centre shops or useful outlets?
- Social media, word of mouth through other interest groups eg am dram societies, choirs, ramblers
- Do you hold any open days? I don’t remember hearing of any. if not it might be an option.
- Much better signage on site - have open days, promote itself as part of Coventry CCs green agenda - get Council on board, find ways to make it more inclusive for lower income families, plug in to healthy eating agenda, promote in schools - all requires resources so Councillors flying the flag and promoting it in Council circles and using their communication network makes sense - it’s crazy that this resource isn’t given the airtime it deserves, but conscious it would rely heavily on limited volunteer time and energy.
- More signage at the site itself as often new members come along and have no idea how to find it. Also if Coventry University allowed it some signage at the main gate so passing traffic could see it.
- Local Media Outlets
- I found it on Google. I’ve never seen any posters
- Visit local WI branches and Scout and Guide groups to give a talk on what the farm is and how it works to help the environment. Happy to help with Scouting and WI contacts
- a more established ‘social area’
- A simpler leaflet with prices & photos of examples of Small Medium & Large share- a little map of location I.e We are Here!
- Word of mouth, social media
- getting more media and social media coverage
General comments
- Love it!
- More discussion about veg preferences, with longer lead time to offer suggestions.
- Thank you for your ongoing hard work
- I hope it will keep going
- A shining light in a very gloomy environmental picture
- Love ❤️ everything about it. Its the best thing about living in Ryton.
- It would be great if the weekly veg share was posted on social media every week. It would help me to plan meals and shopping
- It’s lovely to be part of it. Becca does a fantastic job.
- Five Acres Farm is Fantastic.
- Thanks for all your wonderful commitment to the farm. I love being a member.