
All volunteers, please complete our emergency contact form

On-the-field activities for Summer.

We are in a very busy period where we are constantly planting and harvesting. All help is appreciated!


  • Tuesday and Friday mornings - Harvesting
  • Monday, Wednesday and Thursday - please contact Becca info@fiveacrefarm.org.uk to arrange a session.

Saturdays (weather dependent)

There is a volunteer session every Saturday from 10am - 1pm. Below are some of the programmed activities in the near future. Other Saturday sessions will be working on the many regular jobs which need doing at this time of year.

  • Saturday 6 July - Garlic harvest. Usually a good workout in hot weather.
  • Saturday 7 September - Potato harvest. Always good fun gathering in the crop.

Volunteer jobs vary with the weather and season but include things like weeding, watering, harvesting, podding beans, putting seeds in trays, pricking out seedlings, planting out small plants and many more. We can normally find something to suit your physical ability so please do come along.

In addition to general volunteers we need help with the specific jobs listed below. Do you have these skills and want to contribute more to our community?

HR skills (ensuring we are looking after our staff and volunteers, carrying out appraisals, employee development etc).
Treasurer (overseeing the back office book-keeping, and making sure we comply with our legal obligations as a Community Interest Company).
Social events (planning and running events on the farm).
Contact Becca by email at info@fiveacrefarm.org.uk or use the contact form.

All volunteers, please complete our emergency contact form

Volunteer with us!

Volunteer with us!

Interested in a vegetable share? Get in touch!